Friday, September 16, 2011

Fair Housing Rights for PLWHA

North Carolina has a shortage of affordable transitional and permanent housing for people living with HIV/AIDS. And HIV-related stigma can make it more difficult for people to find and keep suitable housing - especially if they face discrimination in the housing market.

These issues concern us all in the HIV/AIDS community.

So we want to make sure you know about upcoming FREE workshops being offered by the The North Carolina Fair Housing Project, part of Legal AIDS North Carolina.

Topics include:

* Fair Housing Rights for People with Disabilities;
* Local Government Obligations to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing; and
* Fair Housing: Know Your Rights.

For more information and to register for upcoming sessions in Raleigh and Durham, please click here.

1 comment:

  1. Online real estate schools in the US should be among the agencies that should teach their students and other people about the real essence and meaning of the fair housing act so that there will exist no more discrimination among families and individuals who only needs a place to live and to call HOME.
